Old friend, dread killer,
We met first so many years ago,
In a moonbeam stream
On a jungle floor.
When I saw your coiled power,
Your razor talons and bonecrack jaws,
Did I not gasp with fear?
Though your jagged stripes rippled
In the blue-beam light,
Though you crept ever toward me,
Your feet never touched the broken stones
And twisted roots of Mother Earth.
It was then I knew that you stood not
Amid those darkened tress,
But in the darker forest of my heart.
Now forty years have vanished
Like sooty smoke from a camp-fire,
Caught by a sudden breeze,
But still I know that you are with me.
My constant friend,
My own left hand.
I see your eyes in my own eyes reflected
In the still pool of night,
The full moon, silver, riding high
Above our shoulder in the sky.
I found this amazing tiger image by Getsu Tora at: www.uniquedaily.com/ electric-tiger/
This site has many very cool photos and graphics. Check it out!