Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Fool Again

Writing poems again?

Old fool!

Catching thoughts in words

Is like collecting butterflies

Made of smoke.

When I'm in the act of writing, it seems like the work at hand is the greatest thing ever written. When I'm done, the act of of reading what I've written can be terribly humbling! Those flighty thoughts just don't let themselves be pinned down on the paper. Before the ink is dry (actually, I write first-draft with a mechanical pencil) the sense of the thing has flown, leaving only dry husks fixed on the page.

Ah well, we do what we can...

I've been going through a rather demanding medical therapy these last couple of months and it has been a bit of a struggle. I'm way behind posting to this blog, among other things. I have not been idle, however, and I have quite a few new or recent poems to share. I hope to get some up here over the next couple of weeks, but I have learned through experience not to make promises when medical issues are involved.

Smoke butterfly image from:

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